Asian Geographic Magazine- Birds of Borneo
The article on “ Birds Of Borneo” has just been published in the latest issue of Asian Geographic Magazine- Issue 3/2014 featuring the Great Forest & Mountains of Asia.
The 8-page article highlights the conservation efforts that the state of Sabah had put in to protect the birds and to promote bird tourism through Bird Fair and other birding activities. It also highlight good bird watching areas in Borneo such as the Kinabalu Park, Danum Valley and Sepilok area. We hope this article will create the awareness for birds and bird conservation .
Birds of Borneo, Asian Geographic Magazine 2014
The Asian Geographic is available now at major bookshop all around Asia. Love to hear your comments and feedback on the Birds of Borneo.
Birds of Borneo, Asian Geographic Magazine 2014
Bird of Borneo Bird Watching in Danum Valley Sabah