2 Day Macro Photography Class Singapore.
“What is Macro Photography?” I asked the participants. The answers varied from ” close-up”, “details” and “magnification”. Equipped with simple lenses, we ventured to discover the world of macro photography in Singapore. The world of macro photography is endless and stunning. What we don’t see with our naked eyes could be revealed and captured through close-up and macro photography. Look closely and discover the wonderful world around us through macro photography. The 2 Day Close-up Macro Photography Class in Singapore will open your eyes into the macro world around you.
Macro photography deals with mainly
1) Magnification
b) Working distance.
Equipped with simple APS-c D-SLR , Mirror-less camera and Full-frame D-SLR, we uncover the secret of macro photography through a 2 day Macro Photography class in Singapore.
Here is an example of using 100 mm macro lens, extension tubes and full frame Nikon D800E. Participant captured the Cicada, Damselfly and Grasshopper with various techniques taught during the class with natural light and flash.
Cicada- 3 day macro photography class Singapore
Damselfly- 3 day macro photography class Singapore
Grass Hopper – 3 day macro photography class Singapore
Day-flying Moth ( Syntomis huebneri) by Brenda
Cicada skin By Brenda.
Here is an example of applying the techniques in macro photography into intricate jewelry made by participant.
Macro photography class Singapore